Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 41 at The Culinary: Sick

Today I got sick.

I got ready in the early afternoon, and went to get lunch. I went to K16:

-- Burger with Muenster Cheese and Fries

Since it was the day after the grand buffet, banquet kitchen wasn't open. This meant that all of the people who would've gone there now had to find food in Roth. In turn, this meant that the lines were enormous. I got on the very long K16 line, and I decided to get my food and bring it back to my room. I needed to study for my math final.

The burger was freshly made, because of the massive amount of people ordering burgers, so when I ate it, it still tasted really fresh. It was a great burger, and an ordinary meal overall.

I then studied for math a little bit. Soon after, I left for math class. As soon as it was time for class to begin, I started to get a stomach ache for the first time at the CIA. It wasn't a fun one either. I don't know what it was from, but I was literally turning red and sweating from trying to keep myself from self-destructing in the middle of the final. I was about five questions in when I excused myself, and a while later I returned to finish the test much happier. People were already starting to finish the test, but I didn't get concerned, because I naturally finish these tests fast. I finished it confidently, and left for Farq. since it was dinner time.

I did the dumbest thing I could've done while recovering from a stomach ache. I got cheesecake and Indian food.

-- New York Style Cheesecake with Chocolate Ganache 
-- Pork Vindaloo with Samosa, Naan Bread, Yellow Rice, Mango Chutney and Dipping Sauces

I apologize for the cheesecake picture being out of focus. My phone focused on the chocolate decoration, and I didn't realize it. I went into the building not quite fully functional, but still a little hungry. I had my Product Knowledge final soon, and I knew this was my last chance to eat for the day. I first went into Farq. to get some orange juice and make myself feel better, but when I was there I spotted cheesecake. I only had cheesecake from the school once, and it was awesome, so I took advantage of it and got one. It was phenomenal.

Once I finished that, I wanted to see what kitchens were open, so I wandered around. The Americas kitchen had a huge line, but Asias had a short one. I checked out the menu, and it was India. I'd already had India twice, but I didn't have much time to be picky. I remembered loving the pork from my first time at India, and I wanted to treat myself since I wasn't feeling great. So, I got it, and it was incredible again. It had super tender pork in a rich and spicy sauce. The rice kind of tasted like chemicals found near a swimming pool, but I ate it anyway. The chutney and sauces were great, too. The samosas (potato filled pastries) and bread were good, and I used the excess pork sauce to flavor it.

After dinner, I went to Product Knowledge for my last class ever with Freddie B. It was a sad occasion, but I did well on the test.

Until the next post,
Eat well then eat more

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