Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 39 at The Culinary: The Cheese Rollercoaster

Today is an extremely special occasion. When I use the word "today", for the first time, I mean it.

I decided to make this blog a certain amount of days into my start at this school, so I was initially behind on many posts. I have finally caught up, and when I talk about today's food, it's actually what I ate today on Wednesday, the 10th of November.

I started out the day by sleeping in again. I've been sleeping in because, soon, I won't have that luxury. So, I slept in. When I got ready and dressed, it was about two in the afternoon. I got ready for math a little later, and went there knowing it was the review day for the final on Friday. When I got there, the teacher took attendance, explained the format of the final, and then said that the rest of class would be optional. It was a review for anyone who felt they needed it. We already have a practice final available to us on the school's website, and this is the class I'm naturally best at, so I decided to spend my time elsewhere. I was in class for roughly five minutes.

When it was time for dinner, a little while later, I went to go find my first meal of the day. The only thing open was K16, because I was there a little early, and I ate there.

-- Roasted Lemon Chicken with Broccoli Rabe and Roasted Tomatoes
-- Chocolate Milk

I apologize for having started to eat my meal before taking the picture. I completely forgot because I was so hungry. The chicken wasn't very plentiful, but it was worth it. It was incredibly moist and soft, and the sauce was incredible. It was a lemon sauce, but it was mostly a cream sauce. There was barely any acidity, which made me happy. The broccoli rabe was good, but not very interesting, and once again I received roasted, plain tomatoes which I did not even bother eating. The chocolate milk was good, too.

I wasn't exactly full from my meal, but wasn't able to eat a full other one. I decided to go and use my second swipe for K16's spaghetti and meatballs, which my friend got and looked good, and bring it back to my room. When I got to K16, they had run out of that dish, and nothing else seemed that great reheated. I gave up.

After dinner, I went to Product Knowledge for my last ever tasting class. This was the second to last Product Knowledge class, and the next class is going to be our final. This tasting was supposed to be special, but that's not what I'd call it. It was an absolute nightmare for me. It was on dairy and cheese. Here's the tasting:

- Skim Milk
- Buttermilk
- Heavy Cream

- Spanish Blue Cheese *
- Stilton**
- Point Reyes*
- Roquefort
- Dom Blue
- Parmigiano
- Romano
- Aged Jack
- Grana Padano
- Curd
- Feta
- Fresh Goat Cheese
- Mozzarella
- Brie
- Camambert
- Monterey Jack
- Morbier**
- Emmenthaler
- Manchego
- Ibores
- Kefalotyri

Plain denotes a like
Bold denotes a dislike
* denotes a serious dislike
** denotes a serious like

The first things were the three kinds of milk. The skim milk was fine, of course. Then we were all supposed to drink the buttermilk as if it were a shot. I smelled it, and it resembled vomit. I just couldn't do it. I honestly thought that I might throw up if I drank it, and I didn't want to embarrass myself. Pretty much everyone detested it. The heavy cream smelled like eggs for some reason, and I didn't want to taste it either, but I took a sip, and it tasted like liquefied whipped cream, as it should.

As you can see, it was a virtual roller coaster ride of cheese. It had great ups and downs.

Among the tragedy that was playing out on my taste buds, I had to find some way to remember what on God's green earth I was eating. I took pictures of each station of cheese, and I tried to eat from the trays in a certain order continually, so as to be able to retrace my steps. I ended up writing my opinions of the cheeses on my arm, because I didn't have time to grab a notebook. It eventually was overwhelming, and I took a break to grab my notebook and transcribe my thoughts down legibly.

The first one was horribly pungent, salty and sour. I was not having fun. Then I tried the Stilton, and liked it a lot. My thoughts weren't making any sense to me, but I wrote down my opinions regardless. The next was horrible as well. It went on and off throughout the whole tasting. I also thought that the Morbier was great. For the most part, I didn't like blue cheeses, with a couple exceptions. The mozzarella was a glorious intermission. Some cheese I thought I would absolutely loathe ended up being quite tolerable for me, and others were as terrible as I expected. Cheese is such a mystery.

After class, I was still hungry. The cheese tasting didn't fill me up at all, it was just a crazy experience. I went to my room and considered ordering a pizza. I decided that I should save my money, and use a swipe at Courtside.

-- Salad with Craisins, Mozzarella Balls, and Sesame Ginger Dressing

I guess subconsciously I hadn't had enough tasty cheeses. Anyway, I got a custom salad and used my bottle of dressing with it. It was good, and I ended the day satisfied. By the way, I'm a little lactose intolerant. My hands still smell like cheese, and my stomach has been killing me.

Until the next post,
Eat well, then eat more

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